Show The Haters What Your Made Of.

I was challenged last week. The day after I posted my blog, I was made aware of an awful situation that had happened to someone that I know, that I use to be acquaintances with. There is no need to get into the details, but what is important to know, is that this person along with a group of others she is affiliated with have purposefully and maliciously attacked me, and I have had to learn to forgive and send love to these people. It has taken a lot of life coaching, and counselling to get over the trauma that I have endured, so when I saw that something awful and mean had happened to them, I struggled with how to react.

I sat at my desk after hearing news, and I started to cry. I could not stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks. I was pissed at myself. When I heard about this there was a part of me that was thinking, “Well Karma is a bitch” and I felt a bit happy that this person would feel some of the pain they had put me through. But this is not who I am? I truly don’t want to feel this way towards anyone. I went to the bathroom to gather myself and began to pray. I didn’t know what else to do. I didn’t like how I was feeling, and this is not who I want to be as a human. Whether the person deserved it or not is irrelevant. When someone goes out of there way to hurt somebody and destroy them or their property, it just plain and simply is NOT okay.

People can be down right mean, judgmental and nasty. There are people in this world who actually enjoy hurting, destroying and bullying other people. I have been on the other side of this for a few years now and here is what I know. I know that it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. Typically, a person that behaves or acts this way is jealous, envious, or wants something you possess. One will never truly know the reason why, nor should you allow yourself to sit in a space of caring or honoring that person’s thoughts or feelings about you. What I am going to invite you to try and do is ask yourself why you care so much about there opinion of you? When shit happens to us and life gets tough, it’s the ultimate test to respect and love ourselves through these hard moments. When someone is purposefully hurting you and you can still love yourself and walk head held high, because you know with every fibre of your being that you are an unreal human being…. that to me is making it!

After reflecting and meditating on this, I figured out where my glimpse of happiness came from. It came from the fact that someone else was hurt so badly by these people that they went out and hurt them back.  A thought and feeling that I had experienced myself but would NEVER act upon. As Martin Luther King says, “Hate cannot drive out hate, only LOVE can do that.” Meaning if I was to act hateful back to a person or persons who have been hateful to me, that is obviously just driving more hate into the world. But If you can rise above and send love, it may not make the hater any better, they may not learn anything at all, but it stops the hate. Hate + Hate = More Hate. Hate + Love = Peace for the one giving love. Sure, it’s not nice to know that there are people out there that no matter what you do, no matter how nice, kind and loving you are, they will still not like you, but guess what! That is none of your dam business. Let them hate you and send so much love to the support that you already have. Pray for the people that are there for you no matter what, be beyond grateful for the ones that love you and support you and would do anything for you. Hold those people close. Don’t you dare let the haters distinguish your fire, instead let that hate fuel you towards more love, more possibilities. Go show the hater(s) what you are made of.

As always, thank you for subscribing to my blog. Feel free to share this blog on social media. I am so overwhelmed with happiness over the response of my writing that I am looking at doing some exciting things in the new year, so stay tuned and get on my subscribers list. I love and appreciate you for taking the time to read this blog. Till next week, Ang.

Angie Jones