A Beautiful Disaster.

In May 2017, I started my Facebook page for Angie Leah Photography. In the fall of 2017, I launched my website and started this blog a few weeks later. Fall and winter were very successful with both family and boudoir photography. I had found my true passion. I knew that this was what god had put me on this earth to do. Photograph and write. I found myself getting up some days at 4:30am to edit photos, respond to emails and write my weekly blog. In order to create my dreams into reality, I knew that working early mornings, late nights and weekends in conjunction with my fulltime job would be necessary. When I left the Grant Hall in Moose Jaw after an amazing day of shooting boudoir in December,  I sat in my vehicle and wondered how long it would be until I could quit working my 9-5. As much as I enjoyed my co-workers at my everyday job, my heart and soul is photography and connecting with so many fantastic people through my blog. I began to meditate on the idea of going full time photography and blogging. I asked the universe for a sign and the universe delivered less than 5 weeks later. 


It was Monday, January 14 that I found out I was without a position at my regular job. The first person I called was my husband. I was concerned that he would be worried and wanting me to rush out and find a new job. To my surprise he said, “Well, this is great Ang. I am happy for you. We will work things out and now you can go after your dreams.” His support meant the world to me. I hadn’t expressed to him how important it was for me to chase my dreams. Serving women through boudoir and my blog has been so incredibly fulfilling for me. Knowing that my husband had my back and supported me was a feeling I can’t quite describe. 


Now! I would be lying if I didn’t have a melt-down to my mom after reality sank in. Full on ugly crying! You guys I have been working since I was 12, possibly even younger. My grandparents had a bed & breakfast that I worked at from a very young age, and I have been working ever since. The thought of being at home alone working for myself, and relying on my efforts for income, freaked the living crap out of me! I knew that I had manifested this into reality, but it was still scary as hell. So, after a long chat with my mama, I hung up the phone went to bed, and woke up the next day ready to work. 


In the past, news of losing my job would have spiralled me into depression. This time it was different. I had my melt down but it only lasted a short while.  I got really excited about all of the possibilities. How could I not? This is what I wanted, what I prayed for. I felt calm. I felt a sense of belief in myself that I hadn’t ever felt before. I could open up my journal and take these ideas I had been fantasizing about for my business and actually have the ability to go forward with them. Travelling boudoir shoots I dreamed about! The ability to up my social media interaction. Advertise and collaborate with other amazing business! Sell out 3 day boudoir shoots! The list goes on. In less than two weeks I managed to accomplish or start everything on that list and more. Not only that, by working my butt off and doing the hard work, I ended up selling out some upcoming boudoir dates! Selling out a day of boudoir has been on my goals list for 8 months, and I did it! This was a huge win for me.


The power of meditation and manifestation is no joke. Whether it be good or bad, what you focus on and put your energy into will come to you. This is why it is so important to focus on the things we are grateful for and stay super clear and focused on our goals. A situation that I could have chosen to react to as a disaster, quickly became one of the most beautiful things that has ever happened to me. This life change has allowed me to tackle my dreams, show up as the mom and wife I want to be to my family and also has allowed me the opportunity to have more time to take care of myself. I so badly want to help other women, through my blog and photography and now I get to do that every day. Is it scary at times? Sure! But when that awful troll voice comes into my head and tries to tell me that I can’t, it only takes me seconds to shut that voice down and tell it where to go! I know that I am being guided by a power that is far greater than myself, to do what my heart is telling me to do. I have been known to be a control freak, and I have been working on my control issues for months. Reason being, we can not control everything. The only thing I have complete control over is myself and my reaction to certain situations. Sure, I could have spent a couple days or even weeks feeling sorry for myself and hiding in bed, but I took this as a sign that it is time for me to go after what I desire. 


So here I am, writing my incredible readers to tell you that sometimes the disaster situations that gets thrown our way, actually becomes some of the best things to ever happen to us. Trust and have faith that God (universe) wants nothing but the best for you. If you ask for the signs, don’t be surprised if when the timing is right it comes into existence. And when it does take the opportunity seriously. I have no idea if I will end up back at a 9-5 position again, but what I do know is that I am going to work my a$% off to see what the possibilities of this business can bring to my life. Manifesting does not work with out action. There are still 4:30am mornings, late nights and weekends of working on galleries, e-mails, collaborations, and all the other beautiful sides of working for yourself, but I am working on my dreams. What could be better than that?


Thank you for taking the time to read this week. For those of you who have expressed interest in the private Facebook group, we are aiming to have this going mid-February. My partner in crime and I are so excited to take on this awesome project. This is going to be a space where women can come together and support one another, and discuss amazing books, podcasts and other tools to help go through this crazy thing called life. We are so excited for this opportunity to connect with other like minded women, on the journey to living there best life. More details to come soon!


Lastly, you may have seen that I am heading to Edmonton to shoot Boudoir April 6 & 7. The stunning suite has been booked, and I have started taking bookings (so pumped). If you have friends or family in Edmonton, please feel free to send them my information or my posts on social media. I will be in Edmonton on February 7 at the Sweet Jolie Boutique Self Love Event. I will have my work on display at the event and there is a special offer for all Sweet Jolie shoppers interested in the Edmonton boudoir marathon. As well part of the grand prize package is a boudoir shoot with me in Edmonton and includes hair &  make-up. If you are in Edmonton or know someone that is, please share this information. Check out Sweet Jolie’s website at sweetjolie.com. WARNING: they have super cute clothing and shoes!! So be careful, lol!


I am so grateful you took the time to read my blog. I hope you have a fabulous week. 







Angie Jones