Talk Yourself Back Into Winning.

Falling in love with yourself can be down right messy. And just like any other relationship, not everyday is a good day. Just like it’s easy to quit on a relationship that isn’t working, it’s just as easy to quit on yourself when things aren’t going perfectly. If you start a challenge and on week two, you didn’t drink the required water intake, and you had a cheeseburger for lunch instead of a salad, you get so upset with yourself that you quit! But why isn’t it ok to just have had a rough day, or for that matter a rough week? Aren’t we allowed to screw up every know and again? Why can’t we just have a bad week and get back at it?

I recently heard a very well-known author say that she NEVER breaks a promise with herself, ever. I love this woman, but when she said that, I started to internally beat myself up. I agree, keeping promises to yourself is very important, but sometimes you must give yourself a little grace. I think, that sometimes we beat ourselves up so badly for missing a workout, an appointment, a meal plan, a meditation, that instead of just accepting that we had a rough day, we just quit all together. My brain would go, “Well you screwed up, way to go!” And then, I quit again, only to find myself starting all over three months later. Anybody with me?

Well, what if after a bad three days of eating unhealthily, missing our workouts, or not getting up early enough to write in our journal, we just look at our situation. Maybe work has been crazy this week, our child was home sick, you didn’t sleep well. Or maybe nothing happened at all, your body just told you, okay, we are taking some time. What if we just picked up right where we left off with no guilt? What if instead of beating ourselves up for failing, we tell ourselves “I’m so glad you enjoyed your days off, now let’s make a smoothie and get back to the gym!” or “Let’s get back on track and start working on our book again tonight.” Whatever it might be, for you. Make a plan, and stick to your plan, but if you screw up for a few days, DON’T BEAT YOURSELF UP AND QUIT! Don’t hang your head low or make excuses to anyone, just get back at it.

Last week, I was kicking myself. The only workouts I got in were the spin classes that I was scheduled to teach. I only made my smoothie 3 days out of 7. I had a McDonald’s happy meal for lunch one day. I was not happy with myself! I found myself getting very emotional about it, and then as I was journaling I had a “Holy Crap” moment. In the past week, my daughter was sick for 2 days, my husband worked overtime almost every night, I sent out 5 photography galleries, I learnt a new software program, I taught myself how to install some photography tools that I had never used before, and I booked 2 new clients. So yes, I never got a bunch of workouts in, and I didn’t eat the best, BUT, I had a very successful week in other avenues of my life. So, I am not going to sit and beat myself up, I am going to stand up and applaud my dam self for doing an amazing job! I decided to celebrate instead. I treated myself to another pajama day. A whole glorious day in pajama’s where I don’t leave the house, and I shut my phone off for hours at a time.

I refuse to allow a bad week to ruin several good months. I also refuse to sit in a space of failure, because my schedule last week didn’t go as planned. If you missed your gratitude practice for a few days, pick it back up and keep going. You missed some workouts at the gym, don’t worry about what other people are thinking, just get back to the gym for YOU, not for anyone else. We are under copious amounts of pressure to be perfect. Keeping promises to ourselves is important, but I also believe that putting to much pressure on yourself can be incredibly damaging and stop us from quitting things that we worked so hard to start. It’s ok to have a few bad days, it’s not ok to quit on your dam self. Love yourself so much you refuse to quit, in business, health, love and wealth. Your life isn’t meant to be perfect all the time, it’s how you come back from those unperfect moments that matters the most. Don’t let a bad week, turn into a bad month, or a bad five minutes turn into a bad day. Talk yourself back into winning. You know deep down you can do it. It’s about loving yourself enough to keep trying.

Thank you so much for reading my blog this week. Please feel free to share on social media, I would be so grateful. Remember to please subscribe to my newsletter, and my weekly blog will land in your inbox every week, and you will on occasion get an email regarding photography specials that are going on.




***WARNING SHAMELESS PLUG: My Black Friday special is on till November 30th. My Goddess Package is on sale. Regular $535, now on for $485 AND it comes with a $100 print credit towards albums and presentation boxes! Please note that this special is available through the Boudie bank as well. For those of you who are unaware of the Boudie bank, Boudie bank is essentially a savings plan for a boudoir shoot. You tell me what package you want to purchase. I send you an invoice, and you make weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly payments on your account. Every time you make a payment you get an updated invoice showing your paid payment. When your ready, we book your shoot! Message me through Facebook Messenger or email me at




Angie Jones