Welcome to Angie Leah Photography!
Thank you so much for checking out my website. Whether you are here to check out my photography or you are here to read my blog, I am beyond grateful you chose to check my page out.
My name is Angie Leah Jones. I am a women who is on a mission to ensure women are living there best life! As women we tend to take care of everyone else around us and we tend to forget about ourselves in the process. It is so important that we are taking care of number one, so that we are better able to take care of our families, friends and co-workers. In my own struggles, I lost myself completely and felt alone, lost and like nobody knew what I was going through. On top of it all, I realized, I had no clue who the hell I was or what I really wanted. I had spent an entire life time of people pleasing, for self-approval and shoving my own thoughts and feelings away. It wasn’t until I began to shoot boudoir photography that I realized that through this art I could transform women’s lives.
Photography was a passion project. A dream that seemed impossible to reach. I played with my beautiful Canon 7D and all its fancy settings for years, but truthfully I had no idea what the hell I was doing. I took a photography mentorship fall of 2017 to learn the basics and walked out even more confused. I kept pushing forward. Met with the same photographer for a second mentorship winter 2017 and started to feel my groove. I then kept practising and working my butt off to learn my camera functions and settings, as well as editing. Then one of my all-time favourite photographers was offering a boudoir workshop, that I thought would be fun but was a large investment. I was worried if I signed up I would look stupid in front of all of these professional photographers. Still not believing I was indeed a photographer, I signed up anyways. I paid my deposit, and went all in with mega nerves. When I left the intense day long workshop, I got into my car and cried and cried and cried. They were tears of surprise, happiness and shock. Not only did I keep up with these photographers, my images were stunning. Like I honestly didn’t think I was capable of producing such amazing photos. For the first time in along time I was PROUD of myself. I knew I had found my passion. I was in love instantly with boudoir.
The following week I woke up on a Tuesday morning, looked myself in the mirror and said, F*$% it! You only get one life to live. Start the facebook page. Share your images with the world, Angie. This is your time! Let’s do this. I have been growing and learning ever since.
Along with my passion for creating family and personal heirlooms, I love to write. I love the idea of sharing my crazy life with others, because in the deepest darkest moments when I felt so alone, I wished there was a place for me to come connect and read real-life stories, to know that I am not alone. So join me on my blog, subscribe to my newsletter and receive my For Real approach in your inbox. I am going to share with you the good, the bad and the ugly. Real, raw emotions. My intention is to break this cycle of perfection that women feel. It is my mission to bring a smile to your face when you are sad, when you’re lost in the dark, to help point you towards the light. For you to see that there is a way out of your dark tunnel. Always, no matter what, I promise you the Universe…. It won’t give you anything you can’t handle. So I pray you will insert your email address, and you will invite me to your inbox once a week. If I can help just ONE woman, through my stories and messages, I will be fulfilled with this blog.
I have also created a private community on facebook, where I share tangible real life tips on how we can love ourselves just a little bit more. I share with you in real time what is happening in my life, the good the bad and the messy and I love hopping in there and getting support from all the unreal women in the group! We would absolutely LOVE to have you join us, so be sure to join us over on facebook using the link below!
So when I am not photographing or blogging, you will find me with a strong coffee in hand on my way to a fitness class, or on adventures with my gorgeous mermaid daughter (we are obsessed with mermaids). We work to travel. Whether we are on a flight to Maui or California, driving to Shebandowin shores in Ontario or with snowboards strapped on the vehicle to Banff, we are all about creating memories together. My mermaid princess is my entire world. Creating a life of love and cherished bonds with them, is my ultimate goal. There is nothing that makes me happier than spending quality time with them doing something memorable. Especially if it involves the water or mountains. Paddle boarding with my daughter on the front of my board, catching waves in the ocean, eating delicious foods at local restaurants, carving fresh snow in the mountains, and of course checking out the local shopping, my favourite moments in life are with my family.
So thank you from the bottom of my soul for being here. If you feel moved by my work I would be so grateful if you would share my page with a friend. Please, leave me your email address to receive my photography specials, and weekly blog. I look forward to going on this beautiful journey with you.
XO, Angie Leah Jones.