Celebrate Your Wins!

When is the last time you did something that you have had on your goal list for weeks, months or even years? Then you finally reach that goal, and you just move on to the next one, without even taking a moment to celebrate your win? Do you celebrate what you worked hard for?

I’m not necessarily saying that celebrating your wins needs to involve a trip to Lululemon or the spa, but did you take some time to really be proud of yourself for your achievement?

As some of you may have read in last weeks blog, I recently travelled to Edmonton to participate in Sweet Jolie Boutique’s Self Love event. This was something I dreamt about while I sat at my 9-5, and I was finally doing it! I should have been stoked that I was crushing my dreams, but I actually was too busy writing down what I would do next time I did an event like this, and what else I should have had available. Feeling badly I had missed small details and beating myself up.

Then my friend showed up at the event. Walked over and gave me a huge hug and told me how proud of me she was, and I just sat for a moment.... Wait a minute! My friend is proud of me, but... I haven’t even taken a moment to be proud of myself! I worked hard for this. Why did I need someone else to point that out. I accomplished this. I went outside of my comfort zone and went after the opportunity. It is important that I celebrate this victory. 

I had dreamt, wished and prayed for this. Yet when it finally happened, instead of being proud of myself… I just picked apart the things I thought I should have known! But? How could I have known? I have never done this before. Maybe, just maybe I should take a moment and thank past Angie for the brilliant idea, and the current Angie for tackling the dream. Sure! Writing down good ideas for the next time is super important, it’s how you grow and get better each time, but still, it is so important to celebrate the goals that I have already achieved. 

So... I took a “I Crushed Some Serious Goals Day” today. As a “You Did It girl,” goal achieved moment! I woke up and made a great cup of tea, read my book in silence, got my grey hairs covered at the salon by the amazing Michelle Cunningham at Velvet, watched a Hawaii life I had on PVR, and made monster cookies with my beautiful daughter. It was amazing! It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant, but acknowledge how far you have come. It’s incredibly important to celebrate the small victories and appreciate all the hard work and effort. You deserve it and you are worth it! Celebrating the small victories will just motivate you to come back stronger on the next goal.  

So tell me, How do you celebrate your wins? Message me, I would love to hear how you are acknowledging all your hard work!



P.S. The tribe starts March 1st. Register through the newsletter at Angieleah.com/newsletter. If you want to join a tribe of women who’s number one goal is to share tools to help you live your best life and support one another’s journeys, than you don’t want to miss this private Facebook group. There will be speakers, podcast recommendations, books, and tools to help each and every one of us. This is a safe space. No negative vibes allowed. Register to be added to the private group. I can assure you…. This is going to be good. We can hardly wait to launch! 


P.S. I have one spot left for the March 23 & 24 Boudoir Marathon. I have a surprise or two up my sleeve for this one, that you are not going to want to miss. 1 spot left! Message me to book in today! 

Angie Jones